"If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run." -John Bingham
Monday, January 31, 2011
I've been over doing it recently, and by over doing it, I have blisters on my blisters. I am generally the last person on earth to admit that I've done too much, but when its painful to walk in any shoes...somethings gotta give. My blisters are partially due to the black boots I choose to romp around Clemson in this weekend, but that's a whole different story. As for running tomorrow, I still haven't decided about that yet, but Wednesday brings our first group run with my marathon training class, meaning I have to be capable of running without issue as to not embarrass myself!
Friday, January 28, 2011
high five for fridays
1. Today I was officially offered a summer internship at the American Cancer Society in the suburbs of Boston! Not only will this be a wonderful experience, I will be fulfilling BOTH of my practicum requirements for my NPL minor! In addition, I was offered a position as a College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences (Nutrition falls within this college) Ambassador, meaning I would help on accepted students days answering questions, and calling new students to welcome them to the program! So much good news today!
2. The pickles are officially gone. No worries, we went to Bi-Lo this afternoon where I restocked on all of the necessities (a.k.a. pickles, avocados, eggs and frozen gf waffles) I literally haven't gone grocery shopping since I got here, and since we're now four weeks into the semester, let's say my meals the last few days have been quite creative. I'm currently cooking a pizza for dinner, my meals haven't been this extravagant in...well, forever.
3. I had my first ever caramel macchiato at Starbucks today. I can't say I enjoyed it, and I probably won't be getting it again. I also felt silly ordering something with such a long a name, as I ordered it iced, and with soy milk. Pretty sure I'll be sticking to my standard iced coffee from now on.
4. Today's weather would have allowed for a wonderful run outside, but instead I was dragged to Fike where instead, I had merely a mediocre run. Tomorrow I will stand my ground and I will run outside instead!
5. Tonight is boys bid day, meaning that all of the spring rushees will receive their fraternity bids this evening, requiring the entire campus to go crazyyy. yipppeeeee!
2. The pickles are officially gone. No worries, we went to Bi-Lo this afternoon where I restocked on all of the necessities (a.k.a. pickles, avocados, eggs and frozen gf waffles) I literally haven't gone grocery shopping since I got here, and since we're now four weeks into the semester, let's say my meals the last few days have been quite creative. I'm currently cooking a pizza for dinner, my meals haven't been this extravagant in...well, forever.
3. I had my first ever caramel macchiato at Starbucks today. I can't say I enjoyed it, and I probably won't be getting it again. I also felt silly ordering something with such a long a name, as I ordered it iced, and with soy milk. Pretty sure I'll be sticking to my standard iced coffee from now on.
4. Today's weather would have allowed for a wonderful run outside, but instead I was dragged to Fike where instead, I had merely a mediocre run. Tomorrow I will stand my ground and I will run outside instead!
5. Tonight is boys bid day, meaning that all of the spring rushees will receive their fraternity bids this evening, requiring the entire campus to go crazyyy. yipppeeeee!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
there's been much discussion recently in N8D about my obessive pickle eating pre and post run. I suppose some of it has to do with Kayla Reeves, and her identical passion for pickles. I however, am a picky pickle eater to please, and I am only satisfied with claussen kosher dill pickles, as shown below.

the ones above are actually pickle halves and not my preference of sandwich slices, but due to the snowstorm in Clemson earlier this term, halves were my only option, and as I eat strickly claussen kosher dill, they had to do. my mom likes to make pickles with the copious amounts of cucumbers from our garden and is personally offended when I politely decline her homemade pickles, but I just like to stick to what I know, hence why i opted for halves instead of another brand of sandwich slices.
Either way, there has been a series of google-ing session investigating the cause of these post run cravings for pickles, and nothing of value has come up. Apparently pregnant women crave pickles (I'm not pregnant...) and sometimes people drink pickle juice to cure/prevent muscle cramps (I never drink the pickle juice, and I don't get muscle cramps). I suppose the jury is still out on this one, but whatever it is about those pickles, they've been getting me through some powerful runs these last few days!

the ones above are actually pickle halves and not my preference of sandwich slices, but due to the snowstorm in Clemson earlier this term, halves were my only option, and as I eat strickly claussen kosher dill, they had to do. my mom likes to make pickles with the copious amounts of cucumbers from our garden and is personally offended when I politely decline her homemade pickles, but I just like to stick to what I know, hence why i opted for halves instead of another brand of sandwich slices.
Either way, there has been a series of google-ing session investigating the cause of these post run cravings for pickles, and nothing of value has come up. Apparently pregnant women crave pickles (I'm not pregnant...) and sometimes people drink pickle juice to cure/prevent muscle cramps (I never drink the pickle juice, and I don't get muscle cramps). I suppose the jury is still out on this one, but whatever it is about those pickles, they've been getting me through some powerful runs these last few days!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
oh keSha, no one could have said it better, i'm in love alright, with my crazy beautiful life. And life recently, hasn't been slowing down. From classes, to working, to working on a few new things for Gamma Phi, to spending quality uh, bonding time with the roomies, running hasn't been a priority, meaning that today's run was much over due. It may have been because I was listening to keSha loud enough for the girl next to me to hear it as well, but either way, best run I've had in a while.
recently I haven't been feeling the treadmill, or when I want to run its dark out, or there is simply too much to be done in the form of working, sleeping, eating... It's going to be hard for me to convince myself that these are NOT actually legitimate excuses as I may actually be sticking to a training plan for once in my life. I neglected to include in my last post about dropping my Religion class, that instead I added a one credit leisure skills class, called Marathon Training. Although we didn't have class today, we usually meet once a week on Wednesday afternoons. I'm excited for this once a week source of inspiration, even if the training plans, running logs, and endurance strategies fall through, but I'm going to try my hardest to stick to the plan. We don't actually get graded on a successful completion of a marathon, but simply attending classes and keeping a training log, which should be easy enough!
recently I haven't been feeling the treadmill, or when I want to run its dark out, or there is simply too much to be done in the form of working, sleeping, eating... It's going to be hard for me to convince myself that these are NOT actually legitimate excuses as I may actually be sticking to a training plan for once in my life. I neglected to include in my last post about dropping my Religion class, that instead I added a one credit leisure skills class, called Marathon Training. Although we didn't have class today, we usually meet once a week on Wednesday afternoons. I'm excited for this once a week source of inspiration, even if the training plans, running logs, and endurance strategies fall through, but I'm going to try my hardest to stick to the plan. We don't actually get graded on a successful completion of a marathon, but simply attending classes and keeping a training log, which should be easy enough!
Monday, January 17, 2011
sunday monday
Happy MLK Day! Being that we are in the south, they take Martin Luther King day pretty seriously around here, meaning no classes! We had quite the lazy morning around the apartment and when Sammi finally was dragged out of bed circa 12:30, I dragged her off for our second day in a row at Fike. Sammi has big plans to get her beachbod on before her TriDelt Cabin Weekend in February, and now that she actually has motivation it's been so much easier to make her come with me! This afternoon brings an extended stay teaching the kiddies at Upstate, only to be followed by copious of reading that I was convinced to stop doing last night :)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
I've been back at Clemson for an entire week now even though it seems like I never left. I promptly assumed stress mode again as soon as Beth (my wonderful advisor) registered me for English 213, meaning that I would be taking 21 credit hours. Today I finally broke down and decided to drop my Religion class, rationalizing that I can always fill that requirement next semester, at a time other than 8 am.
Either way, its been good to be back, some roommate dramaz, actually, a lot of roommate dramaz, too many books, too many classes (which hopefully has been resolved now) but today's adventures included a trip to Fike with Sammmi, and for now we have posted up in the living room with bigggg bowls of popcorn, Good Luck Chuck, and my standard bag of frozen peas on my knee!
Either way, its been good to be back, some roommate dramaz, actually, a lot of roommate dramaz, too many books, too many classes (which hopefully has been resolved now) but today's adventures included a trip to Fike with Sammmi, and for now we have posted up in the living room with bigggg bowls of popcorn, Good Luck Chuck, and my standard bag of frozen peas on my knee!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
new years resolution
The thing that sucks about the month of January is that everyone wants to lose weight. They decide by some miracle starting in January with help them do so. Apparently this is extremely true for college students as well, because at about 7:30 this evening, there was not one open treadmill, elliptical, bike, ab center, or machine to be used, thus why I had to entertain myself by running on the over crowded indoor track. I applaud Clemson for having an indoor track, however, running ten laps to equal one mile is one of the most depressing things ever. ever. Regardless, today was the first officially day of classes here at Clemson (pushed back a day due to snow) and I figured I should officially begin my running patterns again, meaning squeezing in a run after work at 7:30, and before Grey's Anatomy at 9. I have hope that once the semester gets underway and the month of January passes, less and less people will be at the gym, and Clemson will learn how to plow a sidewalk so I can run outside instead!
Monday, January 10, 2011
back in tiger town
Well, here I am, back in tiger town and it's SNOWING. Essentially the entire town of Clemson shut down as soon as the snow started falling, and oddly enough there is more snow here than when I left Maine yesterday! I've been back at school for less than 24 hours, and I'm already back into my old ways of baking obsessively, cleaning everything, and watching VH1 (and not actually watching it). I'm excited to get this semester underway on Wednesday with more interesting classes, more hours at Upstate and a better class schedule that is conducive to running (much more conducive than my schedule during winter break!) As for today, I have more baking, cleaning, organizing and unpacking to accomplish, and then its off to the Gamma Phi hall to reunite with some of my favorites! <3
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