Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This week I started my first week as a coach for the Girls on the Run chapter closest to Clemson, located at the Anderson YMCA. If you're not familiar with Girls on the Run, straight from their website......

"Girls on the Run is a life-changing, experiential learning programs for girls age eight to thirteen years old. The programs combine training for a 3.1 mile running event with self-esteem enhancing, uplifting workouts. The goals of the programs are to encourage positive emotional, social, mental, spiritual and physical development. The objective of Girls on the Run is to educate and empower girls at an early age in order to prevent the display of at-risk activities in the future. At risk activities include substance/alcohol use, eating disorders, early onset of sexual activity, sedentary lifestyle, depression, suicide attempts and confrontations with the juvenile justice system."

It is my dream to someday work for Girls on the Run in the program development area! This week's lesson was right up my alley (ie. healthy eating!) I loved listening to the girls creative answers to trivia questions about the different food groups, what gives us energy, and what makes us powerful girls. 

One of our questions this week was "What is the doctor recommended running distance that girls our age (8-13) could train for?" As the program suggests, the recommended distance is 3 miles. One of the girls, when learning this answer, scoffed at this and said, 

"Well we can all run 3 miles, that's easy!" 

Her confidence was inspiring. 
Not only was she confident, but she was empowered by her ability to run. 

After one day spent with the girls in Anderson I fully believe in the positive effects that running can have on a young girl's self-confidence and optimism. I am incredibly excited to continue with these girls throughout the 'season' and watch each and every one of them recognize the power that they can achieve through running.