Thursday, December 2, 2010

roommates, running, and Upstate

Living with people is interesting. I mean, I prefer it over living alone, that's for certain. There are days when I love my roommates, and there are days when I can't wait for them (or myself) to leave the apartment. It is also surprising how quickly these feelings can change.

Today however, I hate my roommates. I hate the fact that when I clearly stated that I was going for a run, I came back half an hour later, to find myself locked out. Not a huge issue, but not what I wanted to come home to after a less than encouraging run, and especially not what I needed when I had to shower and head off to work. Even though the weather was gorgeous, and all I wanted to do was run, my body had much different plans. However, any running is better than no running, and not much makes me happier than moving my legs.

I seem to have this same relationship with Upstate Gymnastics as I do with my roommates. Some days I love it, and some days I am literally dragging myself out the door. Today was a dragging day, I even asked Care to go to work for me :) However, when I got there, my little cubby was filled with Christmas gifts! (and a paycheck). The kids were adorable as always, but at the same time, always testing my limits. No matter how many times I yell and scream, the end of class always brings hugs for me, and I always leave with a smile on my face.

At the end of the day, roommates, running, or the kids at Upstate, when it comes down to it, I've still got a whole lot of love for them, no matter what.

(Two updates, in one day? WHO AM I?)

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