Thursday, March 10, 2011

morning motivations

It's half-marathon training day three! Thursday's tend to be my marathon day anyways, with classes straight from 9:30 until 3:30, and teaching the kids at Upstate directly after until 7:30. I know myself well enough to know that tonight after work I'll be able to come up with plenty of excuses as to why I could get away with not running today, so instead I set my alarm for 6:30 and was off to Fike by 6:45. There are definite advantages to going to the gym before 10am (ie. I was able to get my favorite treadmill). Running this morning so early reminded me of the summer after graduation when I would get my booty out of bed circa 5am just to squeeze in a workout before my 8am shift started at MGTA. I had forgotten how awake I feel after a morning workout, I'm arguably more awake now than if I had slept for another hour and a half and grabbed coffee on the way to lab. Although as my runs become longer and longer, I'll have to wake up earlier and earlier, I have a feeling I'll be making my morning workouts a habit!

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