Saturday, June 19, 2010

sweet summertime

Today, was hot. I've been home for more than a month, and even though I came home in May, I thought that it should be summer, right away, based off the fact that I wasn't in school. Either way, today was the first day where it felt like summer when I woke up! It was a beautiful day, Dad and I tried to pick strawberries but the place we went to had already been picked out for the day, so I spent the majority of my time laying outside, enjoying iced tea and a trashy teen novel.

This afternoon I felt so guilty about doing absolutely nothing all day, I decided that a run was in order. I however neglected to realize that even though it was breezy, the 4 pm sun was still as strong as ever. It ended up being a long, hot and terrible run, but a run nonetheless. As I was dragging myself up the driveway after sweating off probably half of my body weight, I pledged to never run this summer in the hot sun, meaning not after 10 am, or before 5 pm, something that I should smartly stick to.

And on that note, its off to Saturday Night activities!

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