Tuesday, December 21, 2010

home for the holidays

I've decided I'm never going to make it in the real world. And by the real world, I mean the real working world, 9-5 sort of deal. I've come to this conclusion after spending the last few days at J.S. McCarthy Printers, or as I more fondly refer to it, "the factory."

The factory is where I will spend the majority of my holiday break doing various things around the printing company that I'm terrified I'll screw up, causing multiple re-printings and back-ups. I'm envisioning myself as the cause of a major plant clusterfuck in the next three weeks, but my Dad continually tells me I won't be the first to screw everything up. great.

Either way, working at the factory has made me realize how hard it is to conveniently have a job, a life, and stay in shape. The last few days ( I'm talking like I've been there my whole life....reality check, today was my second day) I've been exhausted by the time I've gotten home and eaten dinner meaning that I have no desire to go running. In addition, I'm not a huge treadmill runner, and in order to run outside I would either have to run in the dark before work, or run in the dark after work, neither of these options are ones I'm willing to entertain.

However, this Sunday I was able to fit in one of my usual routes from this summer which was wonderful. The town of Oakland doesn't exactly make sidewalk clearing a priority, so it was a little bit more exciting having to dodge patches of ice and snow, meaning that perhaps continuing this evening's treadmill session for the remainder of winter break is for the better.

As soon as my laundry finishes up in the dryer, this girl is off to bed....and then it's another day at the factory for me!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

roommates, running, and Upstate

Living with people is interesting. I mean, I prefer it over living alone, that's for certain. There are days when I love my roommates, and there are days when I can't wait for them (or myself) to leave the apartment. It is also surprising how quickly these feelings can change.

Today however, I hate my roommates. I hate the fact that when I clearly stated that I was going for a run, I came back half an hour later, to find myself locked out. Not a huge issue, but not what I wanted to come home to after a less than encouraging run, and especially not what I needed when I had to shower and head off to work. Even though the weather was gorgeous, and all I wanted to do was run, my body had much different plans. However, any running is better than no running, and not much makes me happier than moving my legs.

I seem to have this same relationship with Upstate Gymnastics as I do with my roommates. Some days I love it, and some days I am literally dragging myself out the door. Today was a dragging day, I even asked Care to go to work for me :) However, when I got there, my little cubby was filled with Christmas gifts! (and a paycheck). The kids were adorable as always, but at the same time, always testing my limits. No matter how many times I yell and scream, the end of class always brings hugs for me, and I always leave with a smile on my face.

At the end of the day, roommates, running, or the kids at Upstate, when it comes down to it, I've still got a whole lot of love for them, no matter what.

(Two updates, in one day? WHO AM I?)

the end!

Tomorrow marks the last day of regular classes of fall semester, and scheduled exams start on Monday. My exams don't exactly start until Wednesday. It is safe to say that 99% of Clemson is now realizing that they have done nothing for the last few months and now believe that they can make up all this lost time by spending all their time in the library. I however, have been busy and stressed for the last few months, meaning that I have literally done nothing this week in terms of actual work. I simply have two classes to attend tomorrow for attendance and review purposes and I'm a free agent. For this reason, last night I was able to finish class at 2:15, head on over to my favorite fitness center and then proceed to do nothing with the rest of my evening (well, besides shower, make bread, cupcakes, take Sammi and Care to Chick-fil-A as well as watch the Grinch, twice). This is seriously the most relaxed I've been all year, and its so WEIRD. All this free time is slightly detrimental, but on a positive note, the apartment hasn't been this clean in a while. Eventually I will start studying for those six finals next week, and by eventually, I mean when I finish this post and stop dancing around the apartment to Christmas music..

Sunday, November 28, 2010

thanksgiving at home

Sometimes life at school makes me dead to the world because I don't have much time for lengthy conversations, emails or notes, but these past few days in Maine I really was dead to the world. I didn't bring my laptop home, which was actually really nice. I was just so happy to BE there, I didn't really need to do much that I couldn't accomplish on my phone. Seeing how I have an exam tomorrow, I'll keep my update on the short side.

Thanksgiving morning KK and I ran the 4-miler Turkey Trot in Portland. It was quite chilly, much chillier than it has been here in Clemson. It was a fun race through the Old Port, but at the very least, I felt much less guilty consuming copious amounts of food later in the day!

Life at home was everything I was hoping it would be, but I'm also glad to be back in Clemson for another two weeks to wrap up the semester. With only one more week of classes, and one week of exams, soon enough I'll be in home again, with a much longer stay in Maine for the holidays <3

Thursday, November 18, 2010

not cool Starbucks, not cool.

Greetings from Starbucks! This morning I was greeted with my own wonderful surprise, my comm lecture and lab were both canceled, meaning no class for me today! I wasn't feeling like going back to bed, and I was inspired by Care's night of cooler painting, to continue my crafting that was still consuming the living room floor since last weekend. By 1 this afternoon, I had done nothing but craft and eat, meaning it was time to actually be productive before work at 5:30. I was insanely craving Starbucks (an addiction that is becoming more and more dangerous every day...) so I convinced myself that if I went for a run, I could go to Starbucks after.

Clearly I respond well to my own incentives, and went for a fabulous run where I explored a new neighborhood! I found another neighborhood to explore on my next run as well. The current Starbucks however, I can't say the same. Somehow my first drink came out with real milk, and the second try came with whipped cream, and then the third came without any actual coffee..but since it won't make me violently ill, I decided I would suck it up, and live without the caffeine that would have come in handy during my second day in a row at Upstate!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

running? whats that?

There seems to be a theme among recent blog post, a theme about how life goes on with out you. What do you know, its still true. It's been just over a week since I've last ran, mostly due to the fact that my body decided to punish me for not sleeping much over the last month and essentially curl up and die. I'm still recovering from that, along with my very first episode of blood donation. I am hoping and praying to God, Buddha and all things happy that tomorrow will be the perfect day to start running again. This is ever so important due to the fact that in exactly eight days I'll be turkey trotting through Portland, and it would be nice to actually finish the four mile run.

I've survived this stupid sickness, and now it's only four more days of classes, semi-formal, one more day working at Upstate and then I'll be jetting off to MAINE <3

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

check out my toe mom!

You know what sucks?

Life goes on with or with out you, it just doesn't stop, for anything.

That being said, I feel like I've been living in super speed the last few days, leaving little time for breathing. Between classes, exams, speeches, class registration, lab reports, major declaration forms, and the never ending battle fighting for transfer credit, my actual life has continued on as well. I haven't had a spare moment for much of anything, which honestly just makes everything else seem eight thousand times worse. And to add insult to injury, my body will now be fighting back against the gluten I ate today. For the next three weeks I'll be battling exhaustion, headaches, extreme hunger, and a permanent food baby.

I felt it necessary for my mental health to put off studying for my bio lab exam, go for a run, and update the world on all my problems. (and by the world, I mean my six followers) My immediate roommate has essentially moved out, meaning she no longer responds to verbal communication from the rest of us, and really only cooks here. With only three of us in the apartment, it's hard to imagine that it could get as messy as it does, and I'm in another passive aggressive phase of not taking out the trash, meaning out bathroom AND kitchen trash cans have been overflowing for the last three days.

I think I've exhausted my quota of complaining for one post, meaning, positive thoughts! Two weeks until I'm home in Maine loving life with my bbyys, maybe I'll get my check from this summer soon, AND, workouts at the gym have improved incredibly since I've gotten Care fully addicted to the gym (success) and Sami addicted to Zumba (success). After today's run I made it to the "green" level on my Nike+ system, meaning I've logged over 150 miles. I don't really know what else is special about the green level, except that it is now 463 miles until the next level. Can I run 463 miles in the next year? That's about nine miles a week? Sure, let's make that a goal. ALSO. I've added a new toe accessory, blisters are in style, you know?

Friday, November 5, 2010


too lazy and too pressed for time for a legit post

1) Today's run was simply mediocre. Not much else to say about that.
2) Soon I will officially be enrolled as a Food Science/Psychology double major with a minor in nonprofit leadership
3) The last home football game this year that I will be in attendance for is tomorrow.

and 4) I need to shower. now.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Zumba was an epic SUCCESS. We have vowed to go twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays. Sammi was a riot, and we even convinced Care to come with us as well. I'm excited to see if they stick with it, but Sammi seemed really serious about it, which makes me happy. No run today, but I am off to lift small children at Upstate for the next two hours, which sometimes is enough of a work out, physically and emotionally, for one day.

in addition, new formatting, opinions??

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

no bake cookies

I am pleased to announce that the very nice pest control man has come and gone, rid our apartment of roaches, and deemed us NOT infested. Life is good.

As I'm sitting here, back in Clemson, I've continued eating cookies, but this time I've made no bake cookies, the ones that look like dirt, as a throwback to my Oakland lovers, whom I seem to be missing more and more these days. This morning, in the absence of Biology Lab, I went for a quick run outside in the most perfect running weather ever. It was perfectly overcast, with a little bit of rain and temperatures in the mid 50's. I could have done with a few less cars around perimeter road, but regardless, I have to acclimate my body to running in colder temperatures, especially with our turkey trot a mere 22 days away! I have just convinced Sammi into going to Zumba after class at 2:45, which shall be an experience for suree. Lator Gators!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

siesta sunshine

I'm back again in the wonderful neighborhood of siesta key (well, technically sarasota, more inland of siesta, but still) meaning too much together time with the family, lots of sunshine, WAY TOO MUCH EATING, and then more eating. These vacations , conveniently enough, also lend themselves well to long morning runs as the sunrises. I mean, I have to do long runs to keep up with all the food my mother and grandmother keep supplying me with, in addition to the fact that I'm not walking miles and miles across campus everyday... There has been a constant supply of chocolate cake, pies, strawberries and various fruits, candy corn, chocolate chip cookies..etc, and of course, all gluten free. Last night even included a trip to the local gluten free pizza place, a vacation essential now that we've discovered it hidden among a Family Dollar and a Bingo joint. I certainly will not go hungry while I'm here, and I'll probably be properly full for the next week.

With that being said, the cookies are calling, again.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

damage contorl, eminem, or tswift?

What a wonderful Wednesday today has been! Care, not surprisingly, didn't come to the gym with me today. In her defense, she does have an exam tomorrow, but I always feel better after running. I'm still relying heavily on my damage control playlist, but today I mixed in a little bit of Eminem as well. I'm resisting the urge to add in Taylor Swift's new album, with the fear of over listening to it.

Today was our first GammaFits meeting and I am SO excited for what the rest of the semester may bring in the form of group fitness, yoga, 6am cycling and the possibility of training for a half with others, forcing me to stick to the plan! More immediately, fall break is taking it's sweet time arriving, and 2:15 Friday afternoon can not come fast enough. Luckily, the worst of my week is over, and only one lab, and four lectures stand before me and freedom!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

tornado watches and the elliptical

As it could probably be inferred, I didn't go running yesterday. I was still in desperate need of sleep from last week/the weekend, and yesterday after a three hour nap and going to bed before ten, I was well rested for an adventure to the gym. I even dragged Care along, and convinced her to make a work out plan with me :) This makes me tremendously excited, as it is so much easier to go with someone.

While at Fike, I experienced my first ever tornado warning! At first it wasn't so intense, but then about half a mile into my run, they made us move to the bottom level of the gym. I wasn't able to find an open treadmill, as everyone was now coming downstairs, so instead I hopped on an elliptical. I was able to watch part of the Celtics game until they told us it was safe to leave the gym "at our own risk." Care and I adventured out, to find pouring rain, lightning and thunder on our drive back to Calhoun. As our luck would have it, there were no close parking spaces, requiring us to run through the pouring rain back to the apartment. I can't remember the last time I was so soaking wet, especially from rain that intense.

I know that elliptical miles don't equal running miles, but it still felt good to get back into the gym, especially after a whole week off. Tomorrow brings a psychology exam, another trip to the gym, and our very first GammaFits meeting!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I have yet again survived another week with the mentality of "If I get through this week, I can get through anything." It was a busy week all around, with exams, lab reports, dance practice every night, competition and a function on Friday night, a game on Saturday, all in addition to the usual hectic schedule at Clemson. Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way, this week was stressful enough to make the weekend's activities so much more enjoyable, but it also meant that there was no time, nor energy for running this week. Fall break is only a mere five days away, meaning that this week will also be consumed by lab reports and exams, but without dance practices eating up my evenings, I'll have time to fit in a few runs before I can run around Sarasota next weekend. Holler at a baller!

Monday, October 18, 2010


I went running last night, although when I say running, I mean I watched Hitch and jogged along an embarrassingly slow pace, mostly because of the three hour dance practice that was to follow, and will consume every evening this week! I have never been more excited in my LIFE to be in Siesta in only 12 days (which I know will fly by, especially with another game next weekend), 36 days until I'm home in Maine for Thanksgiving, and only 54 days until I will frolic around to my heart's content in BOSTON. This all makes me very excited, especially because my dear old sister and I have registered for our first Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, a mere old 4-miler, which will thankfully be run BEFORE we consume heinous proportions of food.

that is all. be a great day!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

it's only a mile to Bi-Lo?

Yesterday afternoon it was beautiful out, perfectly sunny and just enough breeze to keep you from getting too hot. It being Friday afternoon, I didn't have much else to do besides go for a run. I ran a different way than I usually do, mostly because of all the game traffic already clogging up downtown. I headed out towards Bi-Lo, the grocery store that we all adore. I was so surprised to find that it was only a mile away because it always feels like so much farther! It was good to finally run again outside, as I haven't done that in ages. It actually felt better on my knee to run outside, or maybe that was just a result of taking Thursday off. Today will also be a day off, considering it is game day here in TigerTown. I'm sure most of the town is already done their first morning mimosa, and I'm still hanging out in my pajamas! Kick off is at noon so if I'm going to get some quality time roaming around tailgates today, I better get moving. Go Tigers!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I suppose since it's 7:51, and I don't have to leave for my communications class until 9:15, I technically have time to update. I'm not supposed to have this time, because in nine minutes, my ass is expected in Bracket 100 for Bio 103. Now, you could imagine, a room titled "Bracket 100" would have way more seats than you could ever count, and a professor who doesn't really care who is sitting in those seats, awake or not. Either way, it would have probably been in my better judgement to make it to Bio this morning, seeing how yesterday I discovered that I failed Tuesday's test, and obviously need to start doing something differently to pass this class... (and when I say failed, I mean, FAILED, no curve could work it's magic enough to make me happy).

That being said, my body is doing strange things to me. 1) I never snooze my alarm, ever. It's happened the last two days in a row. 2) I have a constant headache, that gets extremely worse after eating. 3) My IT band is about ready to snap as a result of failing to find a foam roller 4) I popped a blister on my right pinkie toe, and now it's awkward to walk.

Complaint number three is the most relevant to my running blog, and yesterday's adventure. I went to the gym last night, mostly because I couldn't stay in the apartment any longer without killing someone. I would get to this point while running, that I would feel pain in my knee. I would say to myself, "Okay, I'll finish this quarter mile, then walk it out." STUPID IDEA NICOLE. I would run maybe a tenth of a mile(?) and then slow to a brisk walk. As soon as I started walking I would feel fine again, and decide I was good enough to run again. STUPID IDEA NICOLE. Honestly, I'm surprised I didn't get motion sickness from all the speed changes. All in all, it was the most dysfunctional two and a half miles I've ever run/walked but, it's two and a half miles more than I'll run today!

Despite missing Bio, today brings a communications lecture, my speech on the Boston Marathon, a mandatory trip to Starbucks, a flashcard making blitz, teaching the kiddos at Upstate, and GREY'S ANATOMY. Here we go thursday :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

what a difference a day makes

Well, what do you know, I finished another run today! Obviously when I finish this post I will reward myself with a cookie and a shower, in that order. Running today, I was at much better overall mental standpoint, meaning it made for a more mentally challenging run because I was lacking in other frustrations as fuel. I suppose all in all, that's a good thing in terms of my mental health in day to day life, but just disappointing from a running aspect that at times I struggle to find the motivation. I can't say that I don't have any motivation, that is SUCH a lie, I have lots of motivators, and today's game was to run longer and faster than the girl who was running to my left. Today, it was a girl watching teen mom and walking at a 2.5 pace. I looked. I'm not judging, but I wasn't hard to me to keep my pace above her's, meaning that if I played by my own rules, a pace of 2.6 would have made me a winner.

Regardless, even Kayla Reeves would tell me that I smell right now, my roommate is out of the shower, so I suppose that means it my turn!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


It's clear from my lack of posts, that I haven't been running, because I generally like to write about all of them. It's pointless for me to reiterate day after day and say, "welp, I didn't go running today! There's always tomorrow!" I bet I would lose one of my already too few followers if that's all I talked about. It's certainly not very motivating, or interesting to read. That being said...

I had these thoughts today on my way over to Fike that I would step onto my treadmill, and immediately burst into tears. This isn't an uncommon occurrence for me, this whole crying while running thing. It happens more often than is probably healthy, but I actually feel that it's some what productive, especially when I just don't have time to curl up in a ball and cry, which is weirdly enough very similar to the feelings that I have been having. It's unfortunate that life moves on, with or without you, and I generally like to go along with it, I'm a needy girl and I hate being left behind, thus I don't curl up and cry too often.

Well what do you know, all it took was a few well chosen songs from my newly created "damage control" playlist to get the tears rolling. I would say by the time I hit mile one I was what you could consider crying, and full out bawling by mile two. It's Sunday night at Fike, honestly, I don't think any of the other three people surrounding me were too interested in my spontaneous crying, especially while Pirates of the Caribbean was playing on the TV in front of me. With the sweat that was also accumulating on my face, I'm sure it was difficult to differentiate between sweat and tears, but it's not like I was looking for sympathy. Per usual, my run was followed by a wonderful, but intensive two hour dance practice, that left me more sore and sweaty than I ever imagined possible, but all the hard work will pay off in a few weeks.

I have to say, I do feel better. Today's run was possibly more satisfying than laying on the floor and crying, if that's even possible. Following an eventful (and regretful?) weekend, this week brings too many exams, a speech on the Boston Marathon and hopefully, more runs.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

loving life

I feel like every post I talk about this running routine, but honestly, I think I've got it down. On Sundays and Tuesdays, I have dance practice at 9 in Fike, so it just makes sense to head over early and bang out a run. At the very least I'm already warmed up when I arrive for dance. On Thursday's I get out of work at 7:30, can get to Fike by 7:45 and make it back to the hall, showered, by 9 for Greys if I do a quick run. As you probably figured, I'm loving life on this schedule. I'm not quite fitting in nearly as much mileage as I would like, but something is better than nothing. Coming up this Sunday there is a 5k on campus, and as it involves a t-shirt, I'm very seriously considering entering, mostly so I stay on this running schedule. As for other convenient races in the area between now and December, they are kind of non-existent. Come on South Carolina, let's get with it.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I am desperately tying to get back into a running routine, and the best I can do is Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (or Sunday). My schedule just doesn't allow the luxury of a daily run. I just take this to mean that each time I do run, I must make it worthwhile.

Last night I did yet another treadmill workout. This time the tv wasn't working well but with the help of Eminem, Ingrid and a little bit of High School Musical I was able to power through an intense hill workout. I followed up this fabulous workout with an hour of Gamma Phi Beta dance practice. Tomorrow night will be consumed by meetings and finishing things for the pep rally on Friday, so I'm very seriously considering trading in Bio Lecture for a run tomorrow morning around town :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

treadmill running

I hate treadmill workouts with a passion. More than I hate raw mushrooms, and more than I hate the fact that my roommates refuse to take out the trash, wash their dishes in a timely fashion, and refill the toilet paper in the bathroom. So yes, I really do hate treadmill workouts.

I also hate to repeal a statement such as said statement above. I'm pretty firm on my declarations, but for once I'll willingly take it back and say, treadmill workouts can be, in fact, enjoyable.

Let's talk about Fike Recreation Center for a moment, the fitness center here on campus. Clearly one of the perks of being at a division one school, there's more equipment than I know what to do with. There's an indoor track, a pool, multiple courts, ab room, weights, dance rooms, AND THE MOST INTENSE TREADMILLS I'VE EVER SEEN. Okay, small town Maine girl is coming out for a moment, we don't have treadmills like this in Maine! I could run on a treadmill everyday of my life in Fike. Let's talk about how I can watch TV (aka my first episode of Glee ever, and with my own headphones), I can see myself run on a track, a mountain, or even a 5k nature race...and these are only the features I explored today! There's even a USB port that I bet I could track my workouts with! If it wasn't for the cute boy running next to me (always an incentive to continue running) I would have attempted to check out every single button and setting while running, no matter how ungraceful I appeared at that moment.

Tomorrow is another day, filled with classes, meetings, labs, and lectures...leaving not much time for running. However, Thursday night, during Grey's Anatomy, I fully intend to be busting my ass at Fike, catching up with Meredith and Derek.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

hannah montana and the last two weeks

1. It's been almost two weeks since I've last updated the world on my running endeavors. This is mostly due to the fact that I haven't run. Once you stop it so hard to start again, thus proving why you should never stop running.

2. The last two weeks have been consumed with bio, chem and psych exams, group projects, sorority sister bonding (hense the hannah montana), football games, gymnastics practice and catching up on sleep. There just wasn't much time for running.

3. I've decided the only way I can make myself start running again, is to sign up for a race. Ideal race would be a 10k at the end of October. I have yet to find a convenient one, thus why I haven't been running so much.

4. I've added to my Christmas list entry fees and airline tickets to the Disney princess half marathon. I bet Santa's on my side for this one.

5. The downside of starting to run again, is that my laundry piles up faster, especially with gymnastics four times a week. I don't have anywhere near enough sports bras for this. Santa, wanna help me out on that one too?

Monday, September 6, 2010

hot, part two

So I went running. It wasn't as hot as it seemed.

I ran a solid run, nothing comparable to what I can run in Maine. It's so hard to adjust to the humidity here, my hair, skin and lungs have not fully adapted yet. I'm afraid my expectations are too high, but I have to remind myself that even just leaving apartment to go running is a good thing. Soon I won't just be running, flag football practice for Greek Bowl starts on Thursday AND gymnastics practice starts on Sunday, so soon I'll a busy little active bee!


can't wait to get my ass out the door and go running.

it's still 89°

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In an ideal world, I like to start my day off with a run. The combination of the time of the sunrise and my 8am classes do not allow for a morning run, shower AND breakfast. This week I have adjusted, and started running after dinner. I generally hate this for many reasons.

1) After dinner, I am generally already exhausted from the day, running just doesn't sound as appealing as crawling into bed with Grey's Anatomy.

2) It's STILL hot out.

3) There are large bugs and wild cats out at night. no joke.

4) After a whole day of eating and moving around and sweating, my body just doesn't feel as good when I'm running.

epic fail.

However, I have found that running after dinner gives me a reason to leave the apartment and get away for a bit. By 8pm I need to clear my head, and running is perfect for doing just that. Tonight I only managed a one-miler..not really for speed either. For the first time ever, I experienced an incredible headache and tightness in my chest about half a mile into my run. Not. Cool. I have decided that this is due to dehydration, judging by the amount I sweated during "pomping" the Gamma Phi Beta float this afternoon. (I have just realized that I haven't even discussed all of last week's events, we'll save that for another time)

Anyways, I have hope that next semester I will not be as much of an idiot to schedule all 8ams, thus allowing for more morning runs :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

getting started

I am so happy to be at Clemson, it's slightly ridiculous. Anyone who knows me, knows that Clark was by no means my first choice but it ended up being a learning experience, and if anyone could see me now, I know there's a difference. I feel comfortable here, there are plenty of things for me to do, it just fits.

Running on the other hand...

Classes started this morning; I start class every morning at 8am. I love waking up early, but when I went to go running at 6am this morning in order to shower and eat before class, it was still dark out! I don't really enjoy running in the dark, so I just did some sprints near the apartment because honestly, I was a little scared! This just means I'll have to adjust, running in the morning is convenient because for one, I'm up, and two, its so much cooler! I can't rationalize even running at 7pm when it's still so warm and muggy! I suppose this means I may have to investigate my options at the fitness center. However, it's only going to get cooler right? They still have fall in the south, right?

Monday, August 16, 2010

It's the beginning of day two at Clemson, and once again, I have gotten up, run, showered AND eaten breakfast before any of my three apartment mates have appeared from their bedrooms. I suppose I can't be to surprised, they have nothing to wake up for. Either way, this mornings run was everything short of spectacular, I'm just not used to running in all this humidity. My brand new iPod shuffle is a dream come true, I don't have to put it in my sports bra and ruin it, and I can easily control it. And it's pink.

I have high hopes for today, I'm going to attempt to cook a few things to stick in the freezer before classes start on Wednesday and things start to get busy, as well as finish buying my books and check out the organizations fair on campus, running club?

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I am officially a Clemson Tiger.

Well, I don't know for sure, I don't have any Clemson stickers on my car yet, but once I do I think that makes it official. I'm all moved into my new apartment, and as my friends say, I am real adult because I have place mats.

I went for a run this morning to explore campus a bit. Campus seems small in terms of running mileage, but later when I went to walk to the post office, what I thought would be a quick walk, ended up being a twenty-five minute adventure. Mom and I are going to make the trek to the Post Office again, they weren't open when I went earlier! Other snags of this place currently include no cell phone reception in my apt (surrounded by brick buildings, screw you T-mobile) and not enough storage in the shower! These are all things we'll work out in time I'm sure, as I'm sure I'll get used to mile long treks across campus, just to get all my letters from Kayla Reeves :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

running with roger

This morning Dad and I went for a short little run. My father is by no means a runner but keeps active playing golf and often "walking for fitness" with my mom. I asked him on Sunday night if he would like to join me on Monday morning's run, but because of the early rain we were postponed until this morning. I was surprised that he accepted, but only after I allowed him to choose the distance.

I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised that he agreed to come along. Unbeknownst to me, on Saturday he came down to Beach to Beacon to cheer me on. I only saw him after the finish, wearing his newly purchased Hall Steps Foundation t-shirt, that I'm sure he bought with the intention of wearing it to the race. I usually ask my parents if they are going to come watch me at my races, but neither of them have really taken an interest. I suppose it could be that because Dr. Golden is opposed to my running endeavors, my mother has a hard time supporting me. It was nice to see my Dad there this weekend, cheering me on and supporting me. It was even more impressive that he was able to do so without his usual talk of strategies and technical details about form usually related to athletics. He's taken a different interest, in a different way than he has in soccer, gymnastics, or tennis. It's a sort of backseat interest, something that I can only respect him for, and wouldn't ask for anything more.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Expo Day Two, and Race Day

Yesterday was Expo Day two. After an extended ride to Cape Elizabeth because of traffic, Paige and I arrived at the expo about an hour late. We had a much more successful day of "Expoing," running out of brochures and chapstick and even selling a few t-shirts. My work for the Steps Foundation sometimes seems insignificant, but simply creating awareness for this new organization is beneficial. After coming home from Cape Elizabeth through all the weekend traffic coming into Maine, it was late, even later considering I had to leave the house at 4am this morning for the race!

3:30 came early this morning, and on my drive down I vowed I would never get up that early to run a race before, I couldn't rationalize the value of it in that moment. Once I crossed the finish line after just over an hour of running, it was worth it getting up so early. The race course was beautiful for one, gorgeous houses and views of the cape, hundreds of cheering fans outside their homes, playing music and spraying water. The first mile was a blur of people weaving in and out of each other that it was over before I knew it. Around mile four I realized that there weren't any hills, something I had been anticipating the whole time, so I was able to pick up my pace to fly by multiple runners on my way to the finish.

It was a rewarding experience, to see how far I have come since I was cleared to run in March, and my first experimental 5k in April. I guess now the next step is signing up for that Princess Half Marathon in Disney! I looked up the information today, but total cost may end up being a bit more than a poor college student wants to spend for a half marathon, especially because it doesn't fall during my Spring Break time. I have a few more months to think about it, and look for other half marathons to adventure into, but someday, I'll be a princess running through Disney!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Expo Days with Steps Foundation

Yesterday was Day One of the Beach to Beacon Expo. It was interesting to say the least. The only running expo I have for comparison is the Boston Marathon Expo which is much larger than B2B. The Hall Steps Foundation was recognized by more people in Boston, but people in Cape Elizabeth yesterday were still excited to hear about the goals and progress of the foundation. Our t-shirt sales were a bit lower than I had expected, but Day Two starts in a few hours, and I'm optimistic for a larger crowd of enthusiastic supporters.

Being involved in the Expo has put my training on hold once again, meaning my legs haven't been moving in the last two days and it is unlikely that I will be out running this morning, considering the incredible heat that has already presented itself for the day. I was interviewed yesterday for a small article in the local newspaper about the Beach to Beacon race and although we talked about the Steps Foundation at length, he choose to quote me about my training for tomorrows race instead. I may have told him that I had been training, but I sure wasn't lying about embarrassing myself tomorrow!


Monday, August 2, 2010

running out of options

I must face the reality of this coming Saturday. I am going to be forced to run 6.2 miles, with thousands of other runners, most of whom run faster than I do. My recent way of dealing with this has been avoiding running all together and focusing on the 8000 other things I need to do, but today I finally gave in and put my sneakers on, pledging to run everyday this week.

Instead of running I've been focusing on my work for The Hall Steps Foundation. Kayla and I have each been given two races to publicize and recruit runners for, meaning that I've been collecting contact information from all things running in the San Antonio and Las Vegas areas. Soon we will be sending out hundreds of emails to gain runners and support for our upcoming races in these cities! In addition, in the upcoming week, Kayla and I are going to be at the Beach to Beacon Expo on Thursday and Friday, selling t-shirts and raising awareness, just like the Boston Marathon Expo. If you're in Cape Elizabeth this weekend, come check us out :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

my days are numbered

Beach to Beacon: 12 days
Leave for Clemson: 14 days

usually lists have a tendency to settle me,
but this is the most unsettling list ever.

i'm an emotional wreck, but hiding it quite well at the moment. Between running, Starbucks and eBay, i am coping.

happy tuesday.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


According to Wikipedia, the source of all information, there are 640 muscles in the human body.

I am confident when I say that all 640 of my muscles are sore. Yesterday morning I practiced with my old gymnastics team and was able to do a considerable amount of the workout. It has been over a year and a half since I even touched the bars, and an hour of our workout was concentrated on this event. At the end of practice, I was dragging through the conditioning so I knew that today was not going to be pleasant. I woke up this morning feeling less that fabulous and struggled to lift my body out of bed. I knew that the only way to deal with all of my soreness, was to run it out.

This morning's run accomplished just that. My muscles are still as sore as they were before, but they are much less stiff than this morning. I know that being in gymnastics shape again will only mean good things for running, and I know that running will only make getting back into gymnastics shape again easier, now I just actually have to do it..

Sunday, July 11, 2010

logging the miles

Today was the third day in a row that I was able to convince myself to run. I was pleasantly surprised when today there was no heel dragging, procrastination or lack of motivation to go running, and I even ended up doing somewhat of a trial run for next month's 10K. At the very least today's run proved that my body is capable of running 6.2 miles, although not very efficiently.

Accompanied by Eminem's new album, Recovery, I'm slowing starting to become comfortable being uncomfortable. Today's humidity, threat of rain, painful uphills, and long desolate stretches of road would usually have been enough to keep me inside with my usual snack of hummus and tortilla chips, but today, as depressing as the circumstances were, I was able to ignore all of the imperfections of the situation, and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

yesterday's run was much needed. The last two weekends have included 5k races, which even though they aren't lengthy, they tend to be mentally draining and leave me sucked of all motivation to run for days. I decided to skip baby stepping back into running, and pounded out a sixty minute run after my week long break. I am now less than one month away from Beach to Beacon, meaning if I want to finish it and not embarrass myself completely, I need to get my ass in gear. pronto.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I'm lucky. I really am a lucky girl.
Lucky to have friends like these :)

Sometimes, it isn't about the time we run, what place we end in, or the difficulty of the course, but it's about those who are waiting for us at the finish <3

Even you too Bill!

June 26, 2010, Run For Cash,
Old Orchard Beach, Maine

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I've been doing this fun thing recently. I get all ready to go for a run, change my clothes, braid my hair, get my shoes on, and even start chewing the mandatory stick of doublemint gum. I stop right before I get to the door and then proceed to find 800 other things to do, everything except for actually running.

Here goes attempt number three to drag myself down the stairs and out the door. wish me luck!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

sweet summertime

Today, was hot. I've been home for more than a month, and even though I came home in May, I thought that it should be summer, right away, based off the fact that I wasn't in school. Either way, today was the first day where it felt like summer when I woke up! It was a beautiful day, Dad and I tried to pick strawberries but the place we went to had already been picked out for the day, so I spent the majority of my time laying outside, enjoying iced tea and a trashy teen novel.

This afternoon I felt so guilty about doing absolutely nothing all day, I decided that a run was in order. I however neglected to realize that even though it was breezy, the 4 pm sun was still as strong as ever. It ended up being a long, hot and terrible run, but a run nonetheless. As I was dragging myself up the driveway after sweating off probably half of my body weight, I pledged to never run this summer in the hot sun, meaning not after 10 am, or before 5 pm, something that I should smartly stick to.

And on that note, its off to Saturday Night activities!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

soul searching

This past weekend, I went to visit Kayla Reeves, my partner in crime and initial motivation for running, in her hometown of Shirley, MA. It was surprisingly similar to small town Maine, something I'm well versed in. Our first weekend together since moving out of Dobby was filled with what I like to call "soul searching," something not to be braved without thai food, Vera Bradley, and obnoxiously long stays at Starbucks. This weekend was a lot about thinking about what has changed since college, what choices have been made since then, analyzing why we made certain choices, and how these choices have changed us, as well as what is to come. They say that college changes you, and I can't disagree with that statement, but I believe that it is all in how you acknowledge, embrace, and face the changes that have been brought upon you that reflect true character and maturity. I'll leave it at that for the sake of anonymity and pages of rambling, but it was a much needed self reflection, not unlike the longer runs I've been taking.

Through a stroke of luck, I have secured a spot in the TD Bank Beach to Beacon 10K, which is Maine's largest race in the beginning of August. I've been going on longer runs, in preparation for actually training for B2B, something I deemed worthy of a new running playlist, appropriately titled "Long Haul Running." This playlist is not limited to, but includes "Where I Stood" by Missy Higgins, "Trust Me" by the Fray, "On Your Own" by Green River Ordinance and "The Chain" by Ingrid Michaelson. This compilation of songs is much different than my usual frat party beats that I rock out to while running, but I've found that with longer runs, my mind tends to wander beyond the shallow and raunchy suggestive lyrics, requiring a much different selection of songs.

I have yet to complete a long run without blasting Missy Higgins, "Where I Stood" multiple times, where she says it best in the beginning with,

"I don't know what I've done
Or if I like what I've begun
But something told me to run"

My longer runs, always accompanied by Missing Higgins, are very much like the "soul searching" time spent with Kayla, enjoyably long, but mostly full of reflections, like Missy says, of what has happened, and if I'm happy with the choices I've made recently. I can't say that I'm always happy with what I come to terms with by the end of a run,

but sometimes, it feels like the only thing I can do, is run.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Since the race last Saturday, I've taken a break from running in order to get my life in order, something that is arguably equally as important.

First off, last week I quit my job at the Maine Golf and Tennis Academy. It's the first job I've ever quit, and I didn't quite do it as gracefully as I had originally planned. I didn't imagine so many tears or hurt feelings, but what's done is done and I don't have to go back there ever again! I've been applying to a few jobs here and there, but between the summer classes I'm taking, and working at the gym, I'll be busy enough.

I've also been car shopping with Daddy, meaning our evenings have been consumed by craigslist and test drives. We bought one last night, a 2006 light blue Honda Civic and I'm so excited for my new car! I'm actually currently sitting at the Volkswagen dealership in Waterville, having the oil changed in the Passat so whoever buys it won't have to take care of that for awhile. Who knew that dealerships have free WiFi? Props to whoever made that call, because this is the perfect time to update!

Anyways, I plan to end my running sabbatical tomorrow morning. My goal for the week is to find running buddies, not focusing on distance or pace. Briana and I went for a jog last weekend, and I feel like she would be game for a few runs this week. I'm also attempting to recruit Nate, but I'm finding that it is harder than I expected to find a running partner!

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I'm a big fan of the Belgrade Lakes Region, not because of the lakes and summer tourists, but the feeling of community through out the area. Today was the 5k race for the Belgrade Public Library and there wasn't a huge turnout for the event, but members of the community of all ages came out to support the new library that is going to be built. Everyone knew each other in some aspect, and was ready to support each other through out the race which made for a high-energy and exciting morning.

There's also another feeling of community at events like these; the running community. Some people are bonded through blood, experiences or places, but I'm beginning to learn that runners have a common bond too. You can see it at the starting line, when runner's go out holding hands; you can see it during the race, when someone passes you and pulls you along at their pace, but it’s always the finish line where this community is most apparent to me; the cheering fans, mom's reaching out for high fives down the chute, and runners who have already finished, running along side the next finishers. The pride of the runner, as they cross the finish line is shared equally among those watching, celebrating their accomplishments, through their shared love of running.

I'm scared that next fall, being somewhere new, I'll lose this feeling of community that I love so much about being home. Clark was such a hiatus in this feeling, being home for the summer has reminded me how much I thrive off constantly seeing familiar faces. I have faith though, that there are communities, like the running community, that will stay with me, wherever I go.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


1) I still hate my job, but I still have a job, thus I should not complain.

2) The weather has been usually warm, making me hate my job more because I haven't been to the beach yet.

3) Three days until 5K race in Belgrade. I've been running a bit less this week but between a pace workout earlier this week, and a longer-ish run today, Saturday shouldn't go half badly, but the ultimate goal is really just to finish :)


Saturday, May 22, 2010


todays run, in one word could be defined as free, free of obligations, free of a plan and free of connections.

As I was heading out this morning, I grabbed my iPod, only to find it uncharged. I was pumped for my run, so regardless, I headed out. It was weird running without anything at all, I almost felt naked. I usually have the contents of a small purse tucked inside my sports bra, ranging from cell phone, ID, keys, iPod and even sometimes chapstick and gum.

If Briana was describing this, she would say that I was very "one with nature," being all disconnected from the world, and listening to the birds and the lake and such. In part, I would have to agree. There weren't any roses along my run for me to stop and smell, but I did stop once. There's only one huge hill in my run, mostly longer than actually steep, and unfortunately, I have to go down it at the very beginning, and and up it at the very end. The hill itself it not a safe place to run, as it curves as goes down into town. When driving down the hill, there is no time to stop and look at the view of the lake from above, as all attention must be on the road.

Today it was different, even though I've run down the hill many times, driven down it thousands more, today, without my iPod to focus on, I was able to look around, and appreciate the view. I do have to give some credit to the Swartz family, as most of it is their property, and they are well deserving of the 'best landscaped yard in town award' that they have previously won. As for my decisions for running, training for a certain race, and risking myself for arthritis, I don't need to decide now, I don't need to decide ever. I think I'm just going to embrace the theme of today's run. I'm just going to run, free of obligation, free of a plan, but always enjoying the view.

Monday, May 17, 2010

it's not called gym-nice-tics

Since my visit with Dr. Golden last Thursday, I haven't exactly gone running. My weekend was filled with a trip to Manchester, NH for the Northeast YMCA Regional Gymnastics Meet with the Decal girls. It was a long weekend, Luckily I was the go-to person to run errands, so I did spend a fair amount of time away from the whiny girls, annoyed coaches, and repetitive floor music, and instead driving (and getting lost) around Manchester grabbing anything from ice coffee to princess crowns. Either way, there was little time for eating or sleeping, let alone running!

Despite my lack of running, I registered for 5k today. It's a little less than two weeks away in the next town over, so I shall resume my running endeavors tomorrow morning at 6am. Regardless of that, in the running realm, Kayla and I are currently trying to set up a conference call with Vanessa, our go-to person at the Steps Foundation, to discuss becoming Regional Steps Chapter Coordinators! This is all coinciding with the official beginning of my summer classes tomorrow, even though I've been doing some reading the past few days in an attempt to get ahead.

Tomorrow is Tuesday, and oddly enough, equally as busy as Tuesdays at Clark! Tomorrow brings a morning run, focused on pace, homework/reading as well as real work and Pad Thai with the girls <3

Thursday, May 13, 2010

set back

Can you get worker's comp for sitting in an uncomfortable chair? I would love more than to have MGTA pay for a back massage. For the last three days and approximately an hour and a half of today, I have been sitting in a hard wicker chair, facing a bookcase, attempting to type on the computer on top of the bookcase. There is no where for my legs to go, so today, I traded in my jeans for my favorite victoria's secret sweatpants in order to effectively curl up in this chair and try to work. Good thing there isn't much work for me to do, mostly because it's just not comfortable, but so I can do valuable things like update my blog, and read my email.

Anyways, today was the big day, my doctors appointment with Dr. Golden, my surgeon. We talked about my approved activities and my current strength. He says my leg and knee looks good, really good. I asked him about the running, and being an orthopedic doctor, he obviously doesn't support the stress that running puts on your knees.

He made a nice analogy for me. He said that if I had a million dollars to 'pay' for exercise, and that's all the money I had for the rest of my life, different activities would cost different things. He said that swimming was free, biking was pretty inexpensive, but running was expensive. I wouldn't be able to run as much as biking before giving in to knee pain and early on set arthritis. Ultimately, a little running is fine, mostly on tracks and flat roads, probably not the breakdown lanes I'm forced into sometimes while running around Oakland. When it comes down to it, it's my body, and the more I run, the earlier I'll feel pain in my knees.

He said it would be easy for me to stop running now, because I haven't been a runner my whole life. I disagree. While I haven't been a runner my whole life, I have been an athlete, and there isn't much in the world that can replace the feeling of being an athlete. Last February when that feeling was taken away from me, it was horrendous, emotional and one of the most difficult thing I have ever been through. When it happened again in September, it was equally as disappointing. I tried to look at is as a set back, knowing that a set back is only a set up for a comeback. When I started running, I was able to feel like an athlete again. I may not be able to tumble, play soccer, or fully play tennis right now, but I can run. It's going to take a lot more than a threat of arthritis to make me stop running.

As soon as he left the room, I told my mom that he said it's my body, so I'll do what I want. Somehow, she knew that was going to be the case. She kindly reminded me that the third ACL surgery will be on me, something that probably has made me a bit more cautious about my activities.

Today's appointment was a bit discouraging, especially because I had just come in from a great run. Regardless, I don't think that this will stop me. I will however take it a bit slower, skip that half marathon in July, and savor my miles. Enjoy them while I can, enjoy being an athlete and enjoy being a runner.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


today was an off day. a really off day.

I was planning on getting up at 6 and getting my run in before work at 8. I somehow failed to set my alarm, or wake up to it (this is a bit unclear) and Mom ended up waking me up at 7:25. I barely had time to shower and eat before leaving for work, let alone fit in a three miler. I had already made plans for after work, and to make dinner for the family tonight, so any hopes of a run would have to be after dinner. In addition to starting off my day way later than expected, I had a horrible day at work, adjusting to a whole year of changes since I was last there, so much so that I don't even feel like I'm doing anything productive, which annoys the shit out of me.

As for running, on a whim, I invited my sister to run with me, warning her that I don't run fast. She agreed to join, and after dinner we headed out. From the first steps out of the driveway, she was one pace ahead of me. As she took off up the first hill, I realized that this was very representative of our lives; me, chasing after my older sister. There was seldom a time when I wasn't considered, "Kayla's little sister," and I was constantly reminded of her significant accomplishments, terrific work ethic, and shining personality. In her defense, these things are all very true, and I do admire her, but there were days when I was ready to be Nicole, and thought of as just that, instead of being constantly reminded of my sister's achievements.

Running after her today was obviously motivation to continue running, as to not fall behind, and it was very much the same way through school, I was afraid of falling behind, and not being able to be myself in her straight-A shadow. There was one point in our run where she waited for me, and I presented her with two options, to run with me, or to not run with me, but to stop running a few paces ahead. She choose, in that moment, to run with me.

I wondered if there was never a point in my life where I would have able to present, like I did to my sister, but to my teachers, my coaches, or my parents, that they had two options, to think of me as my own person, or to not think of me at all? I don't really know what the second option would have been, but I never had a moment, where I told anyone how I felt, about the shadow that she created over me, but I do know exactly how they would have reacted.

They would have denied it.

I'm sure my sister will deny it now too, and deny the fact that even though she said she was going to run with me, she still was able to keep her feet a few paces ahead of mine. I had to remind her, that on the last hill she wasn't allowed to leave me behind.

That's how I know she's a good sister though. She didn't leave me behind. She ran with me, up the last hill. And she even let me sprint to the driveway, into the house, and finish first. That's how I know she's a fabulous sister.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

home sweet home

After a few setbacks with Sharpay, a disastrous Spanish final, and no more tearful goodbyes, I've made it back to Oakland. My room looks like a tornado hit it, I have a to-do list a mile long, but surprisingly, none of it is stressing me out.

Even though it was a bit rainy this morning, and only 40° when I left the house, I decided to go for a run. It was fabulous to run here, I'm pretty confident I won't get picked up on the side of the road, no traffic lights to wait for, and very few cars to run you off the road, or honk/catcall on their way by.

I remember during my first week at Clark, someone honked at us on our way to dinner. I waved to them, and immediately people were jumping on me, asking why I was waving. In Maine, people only honk at you if they know you, so I just assumed that the person driving through Clark was someone I knew.... Today I only got honked at once, but it was someone I graduated high school with :)

Tomorrow is Sunday, my unofficial day off, and then my wondrous training plan, as well as my job at the Maine Golf and Tennis Academy begins, bring on the slave labor!

Friday, May 7, 2010

español, ¡Aye Aye Aye!

Today is officially my last day in Worcester.

I'm mostly excited to leave, nervous for my Spanish final in...4.5 hours, anxious to be home, but dreading unpacking everything this weekend. A lot of emotions, but clearly, no sadness today, not yet anyways.

I did lucky loop round two today, but stuck with the same wrong turn I took yesterday, mostly because I liked how the second half was mostly downhill. I added on an extra loop at the beginning to increase the mileage a little.

Last night I found a training plan which I think I can stick to. Lots of 3 mile, tempo runs, and interval trainings, mixed with weekend long runs and Monday strength. I decided I'll stick to this half marathon training plan until I see the doctor, and I can always scale back or make adjustments if I need to!

I am now going to dedicate the next three hours (and when I say three hours, I mean tres horas) to studying for my Spanish final. ¡Deséeme suerte!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

lucky loop?

Last night in between unloading my things at 148 West, and eating everything under the sun, Josh and Scott (two of my favorite WPI track team members) showed me a 3.15 mile loop that they run, called Lucky Loop. Josh explained it as being a simple route, not many lefts and rights, but Scott had it stored online, so he pulled up a map. They somehow convinced me that it wasn't as complicated as the map made it seem, I just had to take all the left hand turns. I usually have a good sense of direction, so I figured I would be all set!

I headed out this morning around 7:30 because my internal alarm clock is permanently set to 7:05. My biggest concern was taking a wrong turn and ending up miles from campus, stuck running a longer route than I originally wanted. I did get lost, but I ended up running a bit less than the real Lucky Loop, I just took a left turn too soon. I only ended up cutting half a mile off, so not the worst turn I could have made!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

this is it.

All that remains in my dorm room is my laptop, car key, cell phone, a sweatshirt, and a half eaten brownie.

The brownie will soon be gone, along with the other things. Kayla and I decided to move out together, even though I'll still be in Worcester until Friday. The thought of living here for the next two days, in an empty room is a bit too much for me to handle, so I'm moving in with my sister until my Spanish final at the end of the week. Today has surprisingly brought no tears, but I'm sure once we lock Dobby for the final time in less than an hour, that there will be plenty between the two of us. It's been an emotional year, that's for sure, but it's nice to make things full circle, I've cried just as much in the last few days as I did during Week One, but for very different reasons. It's hard to imagine that tomorrow morning I won't be able to drink powerade for breakfast, meet in the mail room for lunch, and swipe in with the baseball team for 5 o'clock dinner with Kayla. It really is the little things that I will miss, but I am assured by the fact that our 5-year plan includes meeting again to run the Boston Marathon, as well as live together in an old victorian house, with our crazy husbands.

I haven't been running the past few days, mostly because we've been relaxing, and I'm resting the nagging pains in my ankle and knee. I have high hopes that tomorrow my legs will feel ready to run. I'm going to wish away the pains because Saturday, my first morning at home, I will start my running plan. I have yet to determine what this plan is, how long I'll be able to stick to it, and what exactly I'm training for...but for now, all I know is that this is goodbye..to Dobby 212 <3

Monday, May 3, 2010


It's been decided, I need to start running faster.

I ditched the fitness center after about 5 minutes in favor of running outside in the humidity. I brought my water with me, and with the wind it wasn't that bad. My ankle has been bothering me, enough for Kayla to be worried about it, but I've learned how to ignore it while running, probably not the best idea. Outside I did my usual weaving around Clark campus, running from the kids getting out of school, and creepy men walking their dogs, but not running fast at all, taking my time. I'm unsure what it's going to take to make me run faster, but I need to find out soon.

Before my run, I filled out the registration for the half marathon in Oakland. I decided that I would fill it out, but not mail it yet, so it's currently sitting on my desk. Essentially, I'm waiting for three things.

1) I see my surgeon the Thursday after next, and ultimately I need to get his approval to be running upwards of 10 miles on the reg, especially at my six month point.

2) I'm going to call the woman in charge, and see at what point I can change my registration from the half, to the 5k on the same day. This is also dependent on what my surgeon says.

3) And lastly, my own motivation and training. Unfortunately enough, the t-shirt is not always enough to make me go running. I want to wait until I get home, and see how my running schedule goes.


i knew the sun would come out

I just got back from my LAST visit of physical therapy here in Worcester, and hopefully my last visit to ANY physical therapy in my life. It was a bit bittersweet, I've come to love the ladies, and today's visit was no exception. I did feel a bit like a circus monkey today because Patti was putting me through lots of extra test to send a report back to my surgeon in Maine, so that when I see him next Thursday, he can make an educated decision about my approved activities!

As for running updates/news

1) I just found out that one of my very good friends is going to be running the Bay State Marathon with Kayla in the fall, with hopes of qualifying for Boston. This fellow runner is keeping their registration and ambitions on the down low, so they shall remain nameless until further notice!

2) I've officially signed up for a 10k in Freeport in the middle of June, and I will tentatively be doing another 5k in Augusta a few weeks after I get home, once the woman emails me back!

3) I'm considering the possibility of moving up the date of my half marathon. There is actually one in Oakland to benefit the Harold Alfond Center for Cancer Care on July 11. It goes around a route that I can easily run on this summer to prepare, but I still haven't decided if I want to sign up or not! Only the first 100 paid registrants receive a t-shirt..and you all know how I feel about tshirts...

As for life in Worcester.. when I left PT, the sun was shining, much different than the horrible humid overcast weather that we woke up to this morning. We now have both fans going in our room, and it is still as humid as ever..I can't wait to see what the fitness center will be like when I run later..

Friday, April 30, 2010

music ADD

It's a common term among my friends, "Music ADD." This essentially comes about when we're riding in the car, and whoever is riding shotgun and playing DJ, can't find a song to listen to for more than a couple of seconds, causing annoyance to all the other passengers. When I'm running, I often listen to the first thirty seconds of a song before skipping to the next one, because some how I convince myself that this makes the run end faster. Today I had an extreme case of music add, and treadmill boredom (a deadly combination) so I had to revise my rule, changing the song every ten seconds instead.

My music wasn't the only thing that was off today during my run. My brace has started to rub against my knee, causing a wonderful red wound (good thing I'll be home next week and get it re-fitted!), my shorts, for who knows what reason would not stop riding up, creating issues all around. It was a beautiful day out, but apparently I thought running in the fitness center would be better than the scorching sun outside, but the sauna like atmosphere in the gym was creating way more sweat than necessary. However, it was to my advantage that only three other people decided to exercise late Friday afternoon, meaning that not many experienced my awkward run.

I have high hopes for tomorrow. Now that classes are officially done for me, I really do have all the time in the world to work on my take home final, study for next Friday's exam, enjoy the sun, and run my little heart out.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

running from my problems

There is something about a run that can solve all problems; more so than cookie dough or a phone call from a friend. I'm not completely convinced that the scientific explanation of endorphins is the sole reason for feeling emotionally better after a run, I think its the act of doing something, only for yourself, that is the reason I feel so good after a run.

Running is a lot of alone time, with yourself. There isn't much between you and the road, with the exception of an iPod and the weather, but in this case, the weather and time of day drove me to the treadmill, usually my most un-favorite piece of gym equipment. Running is personal, its intimate, it's a mind game, but it's an experience for only the runner to experience fully.

Yesterday I did something for myself as well, I didn't go for a run, but I got my nose pierced. I haven't done anything to this extreme for myself, ever, or at least in recent memory. Not everyone agrees with my decision, especially my parents, but for once, besides running, I have done something for myself.

Today's run, despite the treadmill, was extremely rewarding. I know I can not run from my problems, that's for sure; after my run, there was still a hole in my nose, and two angry parents back in Maine. The run wasn't able to fix everything, or come even close, but in a way, I was able to run away some of the guilt that has been building up since yesterday's actions, make myself more at ease with the situation. And maybe that's all we, and my parents, really need, is time to adjust, time to accept, and time to run away the feelings inside.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

decal loves and 6am

Last night I drove home from school to go to tennis practice, and to be home for the Maine State YMCA Gymnastics Championship. I have many families; my tennis family, my decal family, and of course my real family. It was very nice, and much needed to see them all this weekend.

Last night was spent gossiping, laughing, brainstorming about the gym, and not much sleeping. After finally convincing ourselves around 2:30 that we should get some rest, we finally turned off the lights. Our 6am scheduled run came soon, and Chelsea and I dragged ourselves out of bed and to the lobby. Apparently we were too late, and the group of parents and coaches that had planned to meet us there had already left. After struggling to make our way back into the room, we went on our own mini-run. Chelsea is also recovering from ACL surgery (her's was in February) so we were quite the spectacle running in our matching knee-braces, literally running on no sleep. Needless to say, we were at hot mess.

When they group came back, they maintain the fact that we were NOT up or in the lobby, but either way, they promise to wake us up tomorrow morning for a real run! We're now in a fight for the showers, and off to the gym for a 7:45 coaches meeting! It's going to be a long weekend, filled with nervous gymnasts, tired coaches, and way too many parents. yipppeeee!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Marathon Monday and the aftermath

Monday was my first experience at the Boston Marathon, and it was probably the most active spectator sport I've ever experienced! We made four stops along the Marathon route; Framingham, Wellesley, Boston College and then about a mile from the finish line in Kenmore Square. Being my first marathon, I had no idea what to expect, but I never expected to see that many people around Boston! Everywhere we went the t was packed and the sidewalks near Boylston Street were literally unnavigable. Kayla's dad broke 3 hours, which was fun to experience, and even though Ryan Hall didn't win, I'm sure his presence in Boston will still be beneficial to the foundation.

This morning I was a bit disappointed because my french toast date with my sister was canceled. I was looking forward to a yummy breakfast away from the cafe, and filling her in on my weekend. I tried to keep as much of my schedule as possible though, and I still went to WPI to run on the track as I had planned. I was a bit pressed for time because WPI is having an open house today, and I convinced the policeman to let me park in an open house spot, as long as I was out of there by 9.

In my short amount of time, I fit in an easy 2 mile jog. As I was running, I was thinking about the dreaded 2 mile run that we used to have to do every preseason for soccer. I have such a different approach to running a 2 mile than I did two years ago. In previous summers, I would struggle to make it to the end of the 2-mile, often breaking to walk, but always was able to finish under twenty minutes. Today, I struggled to finish under twenty minutes, but at the end, I felt as if I could continue running forever, not at all tired or out of breath. I suppose this makes sense, because I'm less focused on my pace, but either way, I need to be running faster than a ten minute mile!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Today has been an exhausting day, but well worth at the effort, miles traveled, and hours spent standing. Today Kayla and I volunteered at the Expo, leading up to the Boston Marathon tomorrow, for The Steps Foundation, founded by Ryan and Sara Hall. Yesterday morning I knew little about this foundation, but I left the expo booth today with a new inspiration and dedication to their mission.

In brief, they are starting a new initiative in the US, with their pilot program in Chicago, to pair at risk youth with a runner, to train together for a race, essentially a mentoring program, using running as their platform. After explaining this concept to hundreds of people at the expo, and talking with those spearheading this event, I'm very excited to become more involved. Our drive home from Boston was consumed by brainstorming ideas for the foundation, the new program, and a fundraiser this summer in Boston. Becoming involved in the foundation at this time is really exciting, because a lot of it is still being developed, so our ideas are going to be heard, and hopefully transformed into reality.

This is what I've been looking for. Community service initiatives were such a big part of my high school, losing that involvement when I came to college is just another way that Clark has been difficult for me. Having this passion for changing the world is not something that can be lost easily, and I'm glad my inspiration to get started again, with something that has the potential to become a national program, has come through running as well.

Tomorrow will be my very first time at the Boston Marathon, and I'm very excited to cheer on Ryan Hall, and Brian Reeves, Kayla's dad! Expect another post tomorrow, but in the mean time, check out the foundation!

Friday, April 16, 2010

chocolate milk

Kayla told me today at breakfast that chocolate milk is the best post-workout snack to have because of all the protein and good fats in it. Being lactose intolerant, I asked if soy milk had the same benefits. I have yet to google this, but nonetheless, after coming in from my fabulous run today and downing a Nalgene, I pulled out the chocolate soy milk I bought at the bistro this morning.

This morning I got SO antsy during my 3 hour class, I decided that after class, tabling for Relay For Life, and lunch, I would go to the gym, but try my first adventure on the treadmills instead of my usual stint on the elliptical. My high hopes were crushed about one mile into my run, when I got a horrible pain in my shin. I'm not sure if this a normal treadmill occurrence, but I know I don't get this when I run outside. Despite the chilly weather and cloudy skies, I left the gym and proceeded to run around campus, much longer than expected before heading back to Dodd. All in all, I ran more than the 5k I did this weekend, but it was much easier this time.

I've realized that running is more than physical endurance, it is also a lot of mental endurance. Tennis is an extremely mental sport, but it is more about getting inside your opponents head instead of your own. Gymnastics is pretty mental as well, but it is more along the lines of mental "sprinting" with each stint lasting no longer than 90 seconds. I've realized that I don't just need to work on my physical endurance, but my mental endurance as well. That was the difference between the 5k and today. I had psyched myself up for the 5k, and stressed over the distance required of me. Today, I was just running, with no agenda, and no clue how far I had run, only taking clues from my body when I was ready to stop. In this moment, I can't imagine running 13.1 miles, just the thought of it makes me tired, but someday, I'll be able to, and when I can, I'm sure I'll surprise myself.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

spree day

Today is Spree Day at Clark University. This means that at 4:30 this morning we were serenaded by very drunk men outside of our window singing undecipherable songs, but mostly celebrating the "surprise" canceling of classes, in favor of playing on inflatables on the green, and listening to mediocre Clark bands all day while munching on sub-par cafeteria bbq food. Clearly something that can only be tolerated with an unhealthy amount of alcohol, which the students are well aware of. Either way, not really my jam playing with drunk students that I can't even tolerate when they're sober.

This morning my wonderful roommate and I got up around 8, ate breakfast in the room and then headed out on our OWN spree day, meaning that we drove around (and through a few too many yellow/red lights!) and did a little shopping. By this, I mean I went to the sneaker store!

Five pairs of shoes later at Sneakerama, and a little bit of help tying my shoes from the wonderfully looking male who selected sneakers for me, I walked out with a brand new pair of Nikes. At the very least, I'll look fast right?
They are also in the Nike+ series which makes me excited. Possibly after a summer full of running and working, I'll consider forking over the $59 for the sport band and sensor to track my miles and pace.

Kayla and I are headed out for a run soon, so I'll be sure to update about how fabulous my new shoes are, and now fast they make me run. My new friend at Sneakerama has informed me that if I don't like them, even if I use them, I can return them in 30 days and try a new pair, but I'm sure they'll work out, they're too pretty not to!


With a little under two miles traveled in my new shoes, I think they are going to work out well. I had to loosen the laces a few times because they were hurting the outsides of my feet, but as Kayla said, the more I break them in, the better they will feel!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Green Run and Police Escorts

A few days ago Kayla was watching one of Ryan Hall's finish lines, and started crying. I didn't really understand why she was sobbing, but she told me that finish lines are just so happy. Well, I crossed the finish line of our 5k today, and wouldn't you know, I started sobbing. I was in a considerable amount of pain, but mostly I was crying because I was so overwhelmed. As I had difficulty articulating to Kayla how overwhelmed I was, I'm struggling now.

Previous to running, we set out a few goals for ourselves, ranging from actually finishing (which we successfully completed), to picking out specific people to beat. Although when we finished we thought we were the last ones, it didn't matter that we essentially came in last. (Side Note: Being at the back of the pack had it's perks, the police escorts on motorcycles were directly behind us, stopping traffic, and guarding us from the creepers. I have to say I've never felt safer running down Main St, ironic right?)

We essentially weaved our way in and around Clark campus, holding up traffic all around. After we turned off Main St, there was one girl behind us, running alone. Someone with Green Run was directing us, toward the large hill ahead of us, and nicely informed us we were 1k done. At that point, I wasn't sure if I was going to make it to the end, let alone make it up the hill, but I knew no matter what, I wasn't going to make it without Kayla with me. The thought of having to run alone, with no one beside me was terrifying. We adopted her as our running buddy. I should say that she was more of Kayla's buddy, as I was focused more on breathing than making small talk with Betty, the Clark Alum, but either way, hearing them talk helped me make it up the hill, and through the rest of the race. I had no idea that there were so many hills surrounding Clark's campus.

I feel emotionally drained, and physically too. I've seen 2am the last two nights, which is not my usual college weekend, and not really a habit I'm going to continue. Either way, this weekend, was a success, my first 5k completed. I don't like to celebrate my accomplishments, a 5k seems like a small run, 35 minutes an excessive amount of time to finish, but this time, I am proud.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


to put it quite bluntly, today sucked.

BUT, the reason for my post is NOT to update about how today sucked, but how this weekend is filled with exciting things, including, A 5K RACE WITH KREEVES. When we checked our mail today, there was a flyer for "Green Run" put on by some people at Clark to support the Regional Environmental Council. Usually the flyers go straight from mail box to recycle bin, but this one was a wonderful surprise! They're holding the race on Sunday around Clark, so why not?

Plus, Paige and Hilary are coming to visit on Friday night, so that can only mean good things to start my weekend, AND some of my favorite baby tennis boys are coming to visit Clark on Friday morning, so I'm going to show them around/answer questions.

Anyways, 5k on Sunday. It may end up being a run/walk/jog, but either way, it shall be fun. We think that we'll get a t-shirt out of it too, so extra excited for that, as well as crossing a 5k off my Clark Bucket list!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I have never found a pair of sneakers that have actually fit my feet well, and it's not like I have oddly shaped feet, they are actually quite normal. Right now, I just have my sporty-casual-not-really-for-running Puma sneakers at school, which serve me fine for PT.
As I found out today on my run around campus, that these sneakers are only suited for about 15 minutes of running before intense pain creeps into the arch of my right foot. This is fine for now, because 15 mins is about all I should be running, but I imagine soon that 15 minutes will grow to 20..It's clear that I will soon need actual sneakers made for running. I have two pairs of Nikes at home, but my sister, the track runner, insists that Asics are the way to go. I haven't decided, I love the look of Nikes, and the idea of Nike+, but obviously I need shoes that are going to be beneficial to my feet, and not how they look, at least this is what I try and convince myself. Either way, I want to find someone who's completely knowledgeable about running shoes, and talk to them about what shoes are going to support my knee best, etc!

Kayla tells me there are 'tons' of places like this around, adventure anyone?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

thursday funday!

Today was the day of the epic run with Kayla! I was able to pick up Sharpay this afternoon, so after I brought her back to campus, we suited up and headed out! We ran down Park Ave towards the baseball fields, and got to the game during the 5th inning. Because of the wind, we didn't stay long. With the intention of avoiding the hilly parts of campus, we ran back the same route as we took to the Dolan, but as it turns out, Park Ave is one gradual hill, and we were headed uphill on the way home. I have a thought that I'll be feeling that gradual hill again tomorrow. All in all, we ran a little bit less than a mile, the farthest I've gone so far!

I've decided I like running with Kayla. Good amounts of conversations, understood silences, the same courage to leap out in front of cars, and like she said, confidence and faith in your own pace. Running with other people can be awkward, apologizing for going too slow or too fast, often concentrating more on synchronization than the actual run itself. Our run wasn't like that; easily synchronized and at pace, it was a beautiful day for a run.


This week has been a week of decisions, large and small!

1) I decided to go to Clemson in the fall, but not after many conversations, tears and much agonizing. Ultimately, I was asked if I don't go to SC, if I would regret it, and truth is, I would. I'm excited, but truthfully a little nervous as well. There's no going back now though, I've paid my deposit, set up my email account, applied for housing, and registered for orientation!

2) I decided to change my physical therapist! I'm still going on the same days, but in the afternoons, when he's not working. I didn't tell him that I wasn't going to be seeing him anymore, so on the off chance that I do see him, it could be a bit awkward. Big picture, I have about 4 weeks left with the chance of seeing him, so I don't think it will be a problem. I'll be seeing Lisa, a younger girl, I've seen her once before, and I feel like we'll get along better, and she'll at the very least listen to what I have to say!

3) Kayla and I are going running today! Today is the first day of nice weather in a few days, and its Thursday Funday, so I've decided it's going to be a good day! We have class from 9-11:40, a quick lunch and then we're done for the day, so we're planning on doing a little jog/walk interval session, and then head down to the baseball field to watch our favorite Cougars take on Wheaton College! I haven't gone running with Kayla since week one, so this should be a wonderful way to spend our afternoon!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


So two posts ago I asked Paige to inspire me, and being the Miss Paige I know I can count out, she has. I felt that I need to share this inspiration here. I know that posting this will probably make her cry (again), but its pay back for making me cry every time I read her response. In true Paige fashion, I'll address this in list form, and then end with a quote :)

1. Inspiration goes both ways. Paige told me that for all the times she inspires me, I've inspired her as well. We can't live this life alone, and as much as Paige says she couldn't do it without me, I know I couldn't do it without her. Thank you Paige, for everything, mostly the mile long facebook messages you read from me, and send back to me, equally as long. Please continue to be the one "lighting the fire" beneath my ass. Thank you for all the smiles, and all the tears <3

2. Baby Steps. Paige brought baby steps full circle for me, to all aspects of my life (something which I've come to appreciate, this concept of first circle). She wrote, "You are taking these steps to having a better college experience, to become a better runner, to become a better person! No one can run without taking baby steps first!" I couldn't have said it better, the importance of these baby steps in everything I do, not just running.

3. The struggles will be worth it. Paige wrote to me right before I left for SC, and now that I've returned, I can believe that. She applied these struggles of running, to my college experience thus far, and after being at Clemson for the last few days, the struggles of Clark have been worth it. I spent a lot of time thinking about how my senior year of high school could have been different, and if I should have approached the application process differently. I have no regrets about where I applied and what happened, I am happy that I went to Clark (Mom, did you see that? I'm happy I came to Clark!), but only because I never would have found Clemson without it. At any other school I went to, I probably would have stuck it out for four years, and been semi-happy. Because Clark has been so far from the experience I want, I've found Clemson, and I believe I can be truly happy there!

4. Self-Motivation. Sometimes its hard for me to recognize how much I have done, and have pride in that, especially when I'm not in an environment I thrive in, or when my current accomplishments seem petty in comparison to past accomplishments, but Paige was able to open my eyes to that again. She was right, I don't give myself enough credit for battling through a second ACL surgery in a year, and coming back with goals and aspirations as high as mine are. Paige claims that millions would have given up but she told me that "not you nicole schutte! You didn't give up....you took everything that was thrown at you, and said "suck it world, you don't know who you're messing with"

so yeah,
suck it world, you don't know who you're messing with!

Like I said, I'll leave this in true Paige fashion, with a quote.
Life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it
-Maya Angelou